Searching: Transport Planner
Job Roles

Transport Planner
Transport planners manage road, rail and air transport networks at local, regional and national level.
Transport Planner
Role Description
You'll need:
- knowledge of transport methods, costs and benefits
- maths knowledge
- knowledge of engineering science and technology
- design skills and knowledge
- analytical thinking skills
- the ability to work well with others
- complex problem-solving skills
- to be thorough and pay attention to detail
- you will be expected to know how to use a computer and tools to benefit this job.
Your day-to-day duties may include:
- simulating transport problems using computer models
- analysing and interpreting data from transport studies
- forecasting the impact of new developments like shopping centres
- looking at schemes to manage traffic, like congestion charging or parking controls
- studying accident 'black spots' to design road safety improvements
- writing reports for funding bids and planning authorities
- acting as an expert witness during public enquiries
- promoting the benefits of public transport, cycling and walking to get around

Salary Guide
Minimum: £22000
Maximum: £50000